Blog #6

 I Love This Quote!!

My life philosophy grows and changes as I do as a spiritual being living a human experience.  I develop and shape my personal philosophy throughout my whole life.  As for me at this stage of my life I can’t say it totally for sure that my personal philosophy has been complete and well- shaped.  I think that God is still busy trying to weave my personal destiny which I am soon to discover.

I can say that I think that life as person who always moves forward is full of happiness and love.  I live with life full of love, hope, and passion in my everyday life.  I also think that I need to have fun and laugh with a person that surrounds me.   Being a mother, I think that I need to cherish every moment like it was my last.  My children are growing up every day and I don’t want to miss the opportunity to participate along with them.   There have been days that stress gets the best of me and then I stop and ask myself if my stress is really worth this negative that I bring upon my own family.  There is a time to have fun and go on outing. Then there is time to stay home to complete tasks that need to be done.  I have hopes and dreams that make my soul survive this world I live upon.  I hope that I can be successful for my children and able to provide for them so they can lead into a healthy family environment.

I can’t hope for anything if I don’t believe in future success.  I work very hard for what I have and want in my life.  Money doesn’t just grow on trees you have to get out into the world and make it.   I am optimistic and always hope for a better future.  I try every day to better myself in my own job, being a wife, and a mother.  Sometimes I trip up and fall down but I get back up with my head held high thinking of a new idea.

If I didn’t feel loved then I wouldn’t be able to love so passionately.  I think you have to be in the moment and cherish every part of life that God has to offer.   Often I fell that I get cot up in that moment that was in the past and then realized that it should not mater about the past it is the future that we need to look at and live it.  There are a lot of things I am passionate about but my number one is to care for my children and husband that I love.

My life philosophy will not totally be complete and well-shaped! All I really know is that if you give love, passionate to others, hope, dream, laugh and have fun with the ones you care for then life on earth has been filled and those moments will never be forgotten.

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